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December 8, 2019 Second Sunday of Advent

The Advent Season is now in full swing at the church as we prepare for the coming of Christmas. The church is beautifully decorated. The Advent Concert Series has begun. And Advent Workshop is this Sunday.

Elsewhere in our community, Christmas preparations are also underway. Parking lots at shopping centers are full, check-out lines are long, and Starbucks holiday cups abound.

While many of us participate in, and enjoy, the various activities leading up to Christmas, it's important for us to consider how the season of Advent is not just preparing for Christmas. Advent prepares us to embody the hope that has come into the world through the birth of Christ.

This week we will seek guidance for our journey through Advent from what may seem like an unlikely source, the book of Romans. Join us as we consider our calling to live out the Incarnation in our lives and our community.

Last month we concluded Sharing Our Story Part 2: Our Vision for the Future. As we anticipate our church's 150th anniversary, staff changes, and a possible capital campaign, we need everyone's input. Whether or not you were part of our earlier conversations in November, you are invited to share your perspective and further thoughts you may have. Our facilitator, John Laster, has posted the various questions that were asked at the groups at:

If you'd like a printed copy of the survey, it is available in the narthex. Please return it to the church office.

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First Congregational Church
United Church of Christ, Greeley

2101 16th Street

Greeley, CO 80631


Office Hours: 

Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm (Sept. - May)

                                          10:00 am - 3:00 pm (June-Aug.)

Worship Services: Sunday at 8:00 am & 10:00 am, and Online HERE. 

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